
Win 400 Agouti by Answering This “Simple” Question

What is Agouti? is the first decentralized charity, a charity without an office, a charity without running costs, and a charity without trustees or directors. It is a charity where anyone can be a member and have his voice counted, where everyone in need can be heard.

The AGU Token

The AGU token is built on top of a PoS (Proof of Stake) blockchain featuring masternodes. The total supply is 3,000,000 AGU and 3,000 AGU is required to run a masternode, which gives you one voice in voting. It’s expected that 500-600 masternodes can be built and used for democratic voting on each use case. The pre-mined 1.8 million AGU will be given away via airdrops and contests.

How to Win a Free Agouti Masternode?

In order to enter the contest to win a free Agouti masternode you must answer the question posted by the lead developer. Here is the write up, you can find the full version on steemit:

At the moment there’s 50AGU budget proposal fee and another 50AGU for budget activation. That’s quite a lot , it will be shame to forget to add it to proposal for reimbursement. Why so high? Invented as a barrier preventing submitting of dozens not important budget proposals made by the people just to try their luck. Some masternode coins are using budgets for improvement and marketing , we -purely for charity works.
In Agouti all proposals are important, they all matter and they all will be listen to. I’m going to change it to much lower amount in next wallet update to be more accessible to people in need. That fee is burned , so no one is profiting from it anyway. AGU is still very very far from PIVX value, but maybe some day….

Let’s make theoretical budget proposal. I have diabetes and need money for insulin, but my government has better ideas how to spend money. I need 25AGU worth of insulin every month. I can afford to pay from my wages just for one week in a month. I’m asking for sponsoring remaining part for another 5 years. I hope, I will live that long…

Question for 400AGU:
What’s the total amount of AGU in that budget proposal? Round up to whole coin.
You have 48 hours for submitting answers as Direct Message to or RottenCoin#1962 in

Hint 1: Your answer will need to be rounded

Hint 2: Leap years?


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