Tag: cryptocurrency

cryptocurrency defi

Is Cryptocurrency The Future?

The cryptocurrency industry is a developing ecosystem gradually gaining ground in the established financial institutions of developed countries. Both public and commercial sectors are becoming increasingly open to incorporating cryptocurrencies into their financial transactions, such as payment processing, value storage, and investment. Many believe that decentralized finance, or DeFi, could […]

NullTX Cryptocurrency Spending

How and Where to Spend Bitcoin, Ethereum and Other Cryptocurrencies

In recent weeks, observers across the board have seen the price of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum skyrocket, blowing past the bold expectations of the most seasoned “Crypto Twitter” forecasters.  Predictably, such explosive price action has attracted legions of new investors seeking Alpha. Objective measures of this phenomenon are the […]


Management Sends Bullish Signal to Market with $1.1 Million Personal Investment in BTCS, A Rising Publicly Traded Bitcoin Star

BTCS Inc. (OTCQB: BTCS), a publicly traded Company focused on digital assets and Blockchain technologies, recently announced that management invested $1.1 million in the Company.  This is a particularly bullish sign for investors in BTCS, as it provides strong evidence of management’s belief in its business model and growth potential. […]