Tag: cryptocurrency

NullTX HASHWallet

A New Generation of HardWallet: How HASHWallet Protocol Protects Users Cryptocurrencies on Blockchain

Data breaches are a major concern to internet users, organizations, and governments. In 2013, almost 3 million customer credit card records were stolen from the Adobe database. Also, information pertaining to 60 million users was accessed on the U.S Postal Service database. These breaches come with financial costs and can […]

crypto regulation

Singapore’s Payment Services Act Creates new Opportunities for Cryptocurrencies

Singapore can become a crucial region regarding cryptocurrencies. The recently introduced Payment Services Act can pave the way for broader adoption. Similar to measures in other countries, this law helps identify legitimate exchanges and companies. Singapore’s Payment Services Act is Beneficial Those who do not register with the government will […]

derivatives trading

Top 5 Crypto Options Exchanges

As the world of cryptocurrency trading keeps growing, it’s natural to see different types of crypto exchanges popping up here and there. Top crypto exchanges nowadays can even have more than $1 billion USD daily trading volume. There are multiple reasons for this enormous growth, such as institutional money that […]

btc trading strategies

Trading Made Easy For Newbies

Trade has been the mode of exchange since time immemorial. In the past, people traded goods for goods or goods for services. But today, all that has changed because of currency. Today, we use cash to purchase, buy, or sell both products and services. Even tokens of appreciation like bride […]

dual blockchain

What is the Universal Protocol Alliance?

A lot of different and unique initiatives have been launched in the cryptocurrency industry. The Universal Protocol Alliance is one of those ventures which has seemingly gone by unnoticed. With a unified goal of bringing more people into cryptocurrency, one has to wonder how the team will achieve all of […]