Press Releases

THETA and Aptos Lead Crypto Surge, Raboo Emerges as the Next Big Investment Opportunity

Crypto investors are red hot for Artificial Intelligence-related tokens these days due to their unprecedented growth. In mid-February, AI crypto tokens had a market cap of just under $10 billion.

Now, they’re worth over $35 billion, according to Forbes. This makes tokens like THETA, Aptos (APT), and Raboo an ideal investment opportunity for savvy investors. 

However, of those three tokens, Raboo holds the biggest potential. It incorporates AI in a unique way, making it a promising investment opportunity for those who bet on it. It is currently in presale, having raised an impressive $1.7 million from investors. Experts say it would do a 100x before the year runs to an end. Read on to find out why.

THETA unfazed by consecutive price corrections  

Theta Network is an upcoming Web3 infrastructure aimed to be the leading blockchain for media and entertainment. It was developed by Theta Labs, which is made up of experienced technologists and media executives from Netflix, Amazon, Samsung, Vimeo, and Salesforce. As a result, the project is backed by several corporations and conglomerates, which makes it an interesting investment opportunity. 

Yet, THETA hasn’t consistently been in the class of top crypto gainers since it launched. After hitting a high of  $3.2 in early March, THETA went through several corrections and gradually shed portions of its value. It currently sits at $1.94, having had a sharp decline in the last couple of days. 

Despite these corrections, THETA’s daily trading volume didn’t see a major drop. The market cap is still strong at $1.9 billion, which means it could come back to claim a spot amongst the top crypto gainers in the future.

Aptos gaining momentum after bearish performance

Like THETA, Aptos is another new-age crypto token built from artificial intelligence. It also has a corporate feel, as it was developed by the Aptos Lab, but its goal differs.

Unlike THETA, Aptos’ main aim is to help its users build Web3 solutions with ease and promises applications across diverse fields, including DeFi, healthcare, cybersecurity, and so on. By providing a seamless integration of AI and blockchain technology, Aptos hopes to foster crypto adoption and build the next technological innovations. 

However, these lofty aspirations haven’t been successfully transmitted to the APT token. Aptos has had two major price spikes in its entire history, hitting above $18 on both occasions. But it’s fallen significantly since then. It currently trades for $8.02, which is barely above its launch price of $8 two years ago. Nevertheless, its massive support and dedicated team could propel APT to another surge.

Raboo set to ride the new crypto surge 

Raboo is the latest meme token crafted out of bleeding-edge artificial intelligence technology. It uses SocialFi to create an incentivized hub where like-minded meme lovers can connect and earn via community activities. 

Participating in this community earns you RABT tokens as well as AI-minted NFTs. This makes Raboo a unique investment opportunity and potentially positions it as one of the top crypto gainers in the world. 

Already, the Raboo presale- currently in stage 4, has appreciated by a whopping 60%. Experts think the coin would appreciate by 233% before the presale ends, and anyone can pick it up at just $0.0048 per token. 

By building a vibrant community, Raboo is well-positioned to ride the crypto surge, and reach new heights. That is why investors are hopping onto its fast-selling presale.

Don’t miss out on this investment opportunity 

Experts earmark Raboo as one of the top crypto gainers in the near future. It offers an attractive investment opportunity that could see investors make gains in excess of 100x once it lists on exchanges.

You can participate in the Raboo presale here.

Disclosure: This is a sponsored press release. Please do your research before buying any cryptocurrency or investing in any projects. Read the full disclosure here.

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