Author: James Woods

NullTX Megafanstore Stablecoins Sports

How Megafanstore Is Revolutionizing The Sports World through Stablecoins

Megafanstore is an online business that sells fan and sports articles. The company explores with the Great Branding Company, the UEFA merchandise license partner the potential of offering UEFA products, co-branded products, and other merchandising club products in the Chinese marketplace. Additional offering unique possibilities with 3D avatars for fans, […]

NullTX Reckoon Shopping Blockchain

Why a Retail App Targeted at Customer and Retailer Connection Could be 2020’s Best Investment Opportunity

There are a number of industries that aren’t likely to vanish into obscurity, though, like all industries, they are still subject to the twists and turns of consumer and innovation-driven change. Especially affected are industries which would have been previously geographically locked, which are opened to global commerce options by […]

NullTX HASHWallet

A New Generation of HardWallet: How HASHWallet Protocol Protects Users Cryptocurrencies on Blockchain

Data breaches are a major concern to internet users, organizations, and governments. In 2013, almost 3 million customer credit card records were stolen from the Adobe database. Also, information pertaining to 60 million users was accessed on the U.S Postal Service database. These breaches come with financial costs and can […]

NullTX Decentralized Storage RIF

RIF Decentralized Storage: A Censorship Resistant, Permissionless and Decentralized Storage Protocol

In this era of digitization, advanced storage solutions are required. Centralized solutions, including cloud storage, is not necessarily a viable solution moving forward. Decentralized solutions, such as those provided by RIF, offer many different advantages.  The Issues of Centralized Storage For decades, centralized data storage has been incredibly popular. It […]