Decentralized Exchanges Are The Superior Platform Form Crypto Trading


Centralized exchanges like Coinbase (COIN), Bitstamp and others started to appear on the crypto scene pretty early on. These companies had bank accounts with mainstream banks and allowed their users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies, which the exchanges held. This model of course persists to this day. 

These exchanges, however, do come with drawbacks. For instance, Mt. Gox was attacked in 2014 and 850,000 bitcoins were stolen. BitStamp was attacked in 2015, BTC-e was shut down in 2017, and QuadrigaCX was shut down in 2019. There are many more examples beyond those. 

Many centralized exchanges have enjoyed years of success. They are, however, beholden to know-your-consumer (KYC) regulations, order book size limits, and more. Ultimately, the development of smart contracts, particularly on the Ethereum blockchain at first, led to an alternative to the centralized exchanges to which the crypto industry had been accustomed: decentralized exchanges (DEXs). 

DEXs get rid of the need for a central authority to hold users’ funds. This reduces the risk of hacking and theft, as funds remain under users’ control throughout the trading process. DEXs enable peer-to-peer trading without disclosing personal details. This ensures that individuals can engage in transactions without compromising their privacy. 

There are no geographical restrictions or requirements for KYC procedures, enabling individuals from underserved regions to access global markets. Additionally, DEXs facilitate faster transactions by precluding the need for intermediaries and reducing settlement times.

Customers musn’t fill out know-your-customer (KYC) forms, offering privacy and anonymity to users with a DEX. And since DEXs don’t exercise censorship, such as centralized exchanges which don’t list tokens like Monero (XMR), more cryptocurrencies and digital assets are available than through a CEX.

There can be no doubt that DEXs have emerged as a legitimate force in the world of cryptocurrency trading, offering numerous benefits over traditional centralized exchanges. These tools empower users with greater control over their assets and transactions, which is a boon to the cypherpunk lifestyle upon which crypto was founded. 

DEXs enhance security by allowing traders to retain control of their private keys, reducing the risk of hacks or theft. Contrarily, centralized exchanges store users’ funds in a central repository. 

Users can verify transactions on the blockchain directly, and also enjoy increased privacy when using these platforms, since traditional exchanges require users to provide personal information for verification purposes, which compromises user privacy. In contrast, decentralized exchanges prioritize anonymity by allowing traders to remain pseudonymous.

What Are The Key Advantages Of Decentralized Exchanges?

DEXs source liquidity through pools of paired assets where traders swap one token for another token. The term liquidity pools refers to smart contracts used for trading tokens. Automated market maker services are also smart contracts, however within the liquidity pool smart contract. This is how DEXs control the price of cryptocurrencies and pairs. 

In liquidity pools, prices increase or decrease based on supply and demand. Users pay a small fee to individuals who provide liquidity similar to how a market maker earns a fee. Liquidity pools also make yield farming, providing income opportunities for those who understand the concept.

Transparency And Efficiency In Cryptocurrency Transactions

DEXs have emerged as a revolutionary solution to some of the key challenges faced by traditional centralized exchanges. This not only minimizes the risk of hacks or theft but also eliminates the need for trust in a central authority.

These exciting platforms leverage smart contracts to automate trade settlements in the goal of secure transactions without relying on middlemen. These self-executing contracts not only enhance efficiency but also reduce costs associated with manual processing.

Since DEXs provide the same services as centralized exchanges, while offering anonymity and trustlessness, many crypto enthusiasts believe that they are the superior option. Technology now allows for crypto to exist entirely outside of the centralized, banking dominated world, thereby improving access to financial services for everyone. DEXs are a trustless and completely open financial system.

Photo by Dylan Calluy on Unsplash

About Author

Kadan Stadelmann is a blockchain developer, operations security expert and Komodo Platform’s chief technology officer. His experience ranges from working in operations security in the government sector and launching technology startups to application development and cryptography. Kadan started his journey into blockchain technology in 2011 and joined the Komodo team in 2016.

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