What Is FLO Blockchain?


FLO Blockchain ($FLO), is a cryptocurrency based on the Bitcoin and Litecoin source code. It’s a scrypt proof-of-work mineable coin which introduces a brand new feature called floData. This new feature allows FLO to facilitate unique application and various enhancements within the blockchain.

What Is FLO exactly?

Along with being able to send payments, FLO allows anybody to append data to the blockchain in return for a small fee. Participants are rewarded in FLO in exchange for their work of securing this information.

FLO Blockchain was launched in 2013 with no premine or ICO, it’s a community driven project whose code is 100% open source. One of the biggest selling points of FLO is the various dApps that have been built on this platform. You can find the list of dApps available on FLO on their website.

Some dApps worth mentioning include:

  • Open Index Protocol – a standard for defining, publishing, indexing, timestamping, updating, monetizing, sharing, viewing, and claiming ownership of any digital content.
  • Alexandria – a decentralized, open-source front end where users create, upload, and access digital content distributed with the Open Index Protocol.
  • Caltech Electron Tomography Database – an experiment in distributing large scientific datasets using OIP with information about each tomogram stored on FLO.
  • tZERO – an exchange trading regulated security tokens. tZERO makes use of FLO by storing proof of trades in its immutable ledger. FLO acts as a neutral repository for auditing trade history and ensuring integrity of trade data.
  • Medici Ventures – supporting projects that develop applications and tools for individuals or organizations to record property records on blockchain, making it possible for anyone in the world to access them. Open Index Protocol on FLO Blockchain provides the open, decentralized index that exposes those records.

How can you get involved with FLO?

The dApps mentioned above are made possible with the permissionless read and write data field called floData. By utilizing the Open Index Protocol, anybody can write floData to the chain which enables developers to build applications with FLO. If you are a developer looking to get started with writing simple dApps for FLO, simply download the client and you can begin writing data to the chain using the RPC interface. You can check out more information about OIP on their github: https://github.com/metacoin/oip-express. Moreover, you can join the FLO community via Telegram, Discord or Bitcointalk. You may also fork the FLO github repository and submitting a pull request.

How can you get FLO?

Currently most of the trading volume for FLO comes from Bittrex and the TOKTOK exchange. FLO is also listed on Nova Exchange, BitRabbit, Coinswitch, Indacoin, and a few other smaller exchanges. You can buy FLO on any of the above mentioned exchanges with BTC. FLO boasts an impressive market cap of over $9 million with a max supply of only 160 million FLO.

Because FLO is a proof of work coin, you may also mine the cryptocurrency via a mining pool. You may use the Suprnova, Coinfoundry, Mining Dutch, Zpool, and a few other mining pools to participate in mining FLO. For a full list of supported services visit their bitcointalk thread.

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