Crypto Arbitrage Today: More Easy Profits for Little Effort


Even during the weekend, there are numerous cryptocurrency arbitrage opportunities to explore. Profits might be slightly lower compared to weekdays, but there are also fewer people taking advantage of these opportunities. As such, good money can be earned in quick succession by doing virtually nothing.

QTUM (Kraken / Gate)

It has been a busy week for QTUM arbitraging opportunities, as one appears virtually every few hours. Today, there is a healthy opportunity for quick profits by buying QTUM on Kraken and selling it on Gate. A net 1.6% gain can be earned fairly quickly, as both platforms should offer decent enough liquidity for this particular trade.

Monero (Kraken / HitBTC / Poloniex)

As is always the case when Monero arbitrage opportunities arise, buying on Kraken is one’s best option first and foremost. Selling XMR on HitBTC, Poloniex, or Gate can yield a profit of roughly 2% for doing virtually nothing. Especially the Kraken – Poloniex opportunity is worth exploring due to relatively decent liquidity on both platforms.

TUSD (Vebitcoin / Binance)

It is uncanny how stablecoin arbitrage options can remain in place for so long. If it isn’t USDT, the TUSD counterpart will maintain different prices between platforms. As of today, buying TUSD on Vebitcoin and selling on Binance will yield a 1.25% profit. A good opportunity to make money in quick succession.

XLM (Kraken / HitBTC / Gate)

Another day dawns upon the cryptocurrency, and another XLM arbitrage gap opens up. This has been a go-to option for those who want quick profits all week long. Buying XLM on Kraken and selling on HitBTC, Ploniex, or Gate can yield a profit of up to 3.3%. That in itself is pretty interesting, and it further confirms the differentiating value between exchanges can work in favor of speculators as well.

Dash (Kraken / HitBTC / Poloniex)

When buying cryptocurrency on any exchange, Kraken is the best option first and foremost. It always has a lower price for most of the altcoins, and its Bitcoin value is not always on par with the rest of the industry either. As such, buying Dash on Kraken and selling it on HitBTC, Poloniex, or Gate can yield a very healthy profit of up to 2%. An interesting option to explore, especially on this rather boring Saturday.

Litecoin (Bitstamp / Kraken / OKEx)

Numerous Litecoin arbitrage opportunities have become apparent over the past few hours The price on both Kraken and Bitstamp is very low. Selling LTC on OKEx, KuCoin, HitBTC, Poloniex, Gate, or Binance will always yield a profit at these current values. Gains can be as high as 2.6%, although the average is closer to 1.9%.

Information provided by Arbing Tool.

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.


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