Crypto Arbitrage Today: NEO, XMR, ZEC, DOGE, TRX, EOS


Making money with cryptocurrencies will usually involve using different methods and combining efforts. Diversification is critical in this industry, both in terms of the assets being held and the money making strategies alike. The following six currencies offer enticing arbitrage opportunities today, as there is some good money to be made in the process.

NEO (KuCoin / Bitfinex)

It has been a few weeks since the last NEO arbitrage opportunity presented itself, which is rather unusual. Even so, today’s opportunity allows traders to make some good money when buying NEO on KuCoin and selling it on Bitfinex. The current price gap is 1.7%, although this figure will fluctuate throughout the day. Gaps like these usually don’t remain in place for very long, even though NEO has sufficient liquidity across both platforms.

Monero (Bittrex / Kraken / HitBTC)

Even though this exact same Monero price gap became apparent yesterday, it is still in place today. More specifically, the price per Monero on Bittrex, Kraken, and Gate is still relatively low compared to some other exchanges. Selling XMR on either Bitfinex or HitBTC can yield a profit ranging from 1.8% to 3.2%, depending on which combination of trading platforms one seeks to pursue.

ZCash (Bittrex / Gate / HitBTC)

As has been the case yesterday as well, the price gaps between  Bittrex, Gate, Bitfinex, and HitBTC allow for some quick and easy money to be made. In the case of ZCash’s price difference between the platforms buying on Bittrex or Gate and selling on HitBTC will yield a profit of 2.6% on average. Buying on Bittrex and selling it on Bitfinex will result in a 2% profit.

Tron (Binance / KuCoin / HitBTC)

Another day of arbitrage trading comes around, and Tron is in the mindset of the action once again. Despite being incredibly popular, prices for TRX can differ vastly from platform to platform. Today, it seems the TRX price on Binance, KuCoin, and Gate is almost identical, yet that is lower compared to the value on HitBTC. As such, traders can explore this price gap and pocket 2.4% in profits. A very appealing opportunity, especially when considering how more bearish market momentum may be brewing on the horizon.

Dogecoin (Koineks / Gate / LiveCoin)

A few different price gaps have become apparent where Dogecoin is concerned. First of all, traders can buy DOGE on Koineks or Gate and sell it on HitBTC for profits of up to 4%. Another option is to buy Doge on Gate and selling it on Livecoin for a 1.4% gain. Depending on individual platform liquidity, both options are well worth taking into account right now. Dogecoin is also one of the more stable cryptocurrencies today.

EOS (Kucoin / Binance / HitBTC)

For those who want to make some quick money with EOS, a few different market opportunities can be explored. First of all, there is an option to buy EOS on KUCoin and selling it on Bitfinex for a 2.1% profit. Additionally, one can sell this funds on HitBTC for a 3% profit. Buying on either Binance or Gate and selling it on HitBTC can yield similar profits. A few appealing options to keep in mind, as good money awaits those who take some small risks.

Information provided by Arbing Tool.

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.


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