Electroneum Price Surge Continues Following IOS App beta and MWC Announcement


Whereas most cryptocurrencies are buckling under the bearish pressure again, it seems some altcoins take an opposite approach. Following a lot of recent positive developments, it would appear the Electroneum price is still hanging in there. More specifically, there have been some solid gains, even though the $0.007 level still offers plenty of resistance at this point.

Electroneum Price Keeps Moving up

Although most altcoin traders are currently dealing with a portfolio which has lost a lot of value, Electroneum holders are not part of that group. Unlike what most would have expected, this altcoin still notes some strong gains. That in itself is an encouraging turn of events, primarily because of the recently released iOS application. As such, it seems this currency is on the right path to making a big impact in the mobile sector.

Over the past 24 hours, the Electroneum price gains have been stacking up nicely. More specifically, there is a net 5.65% increase in USD value and a 6.24% gain over Bitcoin. Both trends are pretty interesting to keep an eye on under the current market circumstances. It is also interesting to take note of the overall ETN trading volume, although it is still relatively low compared to most other altcoins on the market today. Even so, it is sufficient to keep this uptrend going, for now.

Although the Electroneum iOS app is only available to select beta testers, it seems to be getting some good reviews so far. Users confirm the application works are expected and earnings are trickling in. Although it remains to be seen how profitable mobile device mining really will be, the app will undoubtedly get a fair bit of attention moving forward.

There is other news to get somewhat excited about as well. Although this was known for some time now, the Electroneum team confirmed they will be attending MWC 2019. More importantly, they will also showcase their technology to attendees and potentially unveil some new projects at that time. Which projects that would entail exactly, remains to be determined at this point.

Unfortunately, it would appear there is still no recourse for those users who have their funds stuck on the Cryptopia platform. Ever since that exchange was hacked, users have been unable to access any funds on the platform. This also affects ETN holders in a major way, yet they will have to wait patiently in this regard. A bit of an odd situation to contend with, but patience is a virtue during times like these.

Keeping all of these factors in mind, it will be very interesting to see what the future holds for this altcoin. After all, the developments taking place behind the scenes are all quite positive. The price seemingly responds to these changes, which shows there is plenty of future potential. Reaching a value of $0.007 may prove somewhat challenging under these circumstances, although one can never predict the future movements of these currencies and assets. The coming weekend will undoubtedly prove very interesting in many different ways.

Disclaimer: This is not trading or investment advice. The above article is for entertainment and education purposes only. Please do your own research before purchasing or investing into any cryptocurrency.

Image(s): Shutterstock.com

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