LiveEdu Product Development Update and New Team Members


Education Ecosystem has been hard at work these last few weeks doing recruiting, getting LEDU coins listed on crypto exchanges and forming partnerships with other blockchain projects across the world. The goal of Education Ecosystem is to create a decentralized learning ecosystem that teaches people how to build complete products in future technological fields. To make this into a reality requires the transition of their first product, online education platform LiveEdu, from its current beta state to a new LEDU powered product.

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As the first phase of recruiting draws to a close and new team members are put in place, product development is expected to ramp up. With a product manager and new engineering team members on board, here is an update on the progress which has been made on the product development front.


The first and probably the most pivotal change which has taken place since the product development team has been put into place has been the improvement of team communication. New tools including Jira and Slack have been introduced in order to make things more streamlined and increase the productivity of team members. These new tools have helped in prioritizing product development targets and planning of sprints to achieve development goals. Through the use of Jira the product development team has been able to see who is working on what tasks and completion progress over the course of development sprints.


The major portions of the frontend design work have already been completed by lead frontend developer Ilya and his team. This includes the polishing of the new UI following feedback from users and project creators who had seen the previews provided and/or used the beta product. During the initial development sprints the frontend team is focused on tasks related to authentication, navigation, streaming and subscription process for the new platform. Some of the tasks associated with these two areas include: updating the current LiveEdu website with a new design, integrating the UI for login and signup pages and integrating the pricing page with API endpoints so that users can sign up easily.

Tasks the backend and frontend teams are working on

Frontend Developer — Ilya

Development Task Tracker


Like the frontend team, the backend team is also focused on tasks related to the authentication and subscription systems for this initial sprint. Some of the work includes setting up API endpoints for the login and signup pages as well as the new subscription plans. Lead by backend developer Artem they are also working on 3 new versions of API to power React SPA and mobile apps with it. Work is also almost completed on a video upload service that will help content creators to upload/convert videos for their projects.

Upcoming Development Tasks

Backend Developer — Artem


As of right now, the video streaming team is in the middle of a big transition to ensure the availability of the best education content for professionals all over the world. The team is currently improving LiveEdu’s core architecture so that it can handle more users and place new caching servers to be much closer to the subscribers. Technically, the team is migrating around 390K files and 500K video records, and also adding new caching proxy servers over US and Europe data centers. After finishing the current cycle, the team plans to do the same with the China region. Soon subscribers will be given a whole new seamless experience of LiveEdu.

New Team Members

Education Ecosystem has also introduced two new members of their development team. Product Manager, Rosedeep Kaur and Senior Android Developer David Knyaz. Rose is currently spearheading product development and guiding the team to ensure the swift completion of the LiveEdu product. Meanwhile, David is working on the Android app which will allow users to watch projects on the go.

Future Work

The development team will continue to work on all of the pieces necessary for the completion of the product. Once work is finished on the authentication and subscription systems then the next series of sprints will focus on setting up the user profile, user settings, user hub, and schedule . Once the new LiveEdu product is completed then Education Ecosystem will be one step closer to changing the $360B professional development market.

Get LEDU Coin

Get LEDU coins now with ETH or BTC on, Livecoin, Mercatox and Exrates. Read more about LEDU coins on their project page and ask any questions you might have in their Telegram group chat.


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The writer of this post is a guest. Opinions in the article are solely of the writer and do not reflect Null TX's view.

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