ORCA Alliance announced releasing a tool to track all crypto assets – ORCA PYGMY. The major difference between PYGMY and other tracker tools available now is the auto-update function. PYGMY will be free of charge and accessible for everyone.
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The framework is rather simple: user connects one’s cryptocurrency exchange accounts to PYGMY by allowing API access. Once the connection is approved, the read-only tool will be able to track his crypto assets held on accounts linked to PYGMY.
Even when users will liquidate part of their assets or invest into other coins – the values and portfolio structure will be automatically updated and reflected in PYGMY dashboard. Users will no longer have to input trades manually saving them loads of time and nerve cells.
“I know how much benefit it will bring to the crypto crowd. I have a few accounts here and there but monitoring asset values prove somewhat challenging. There are no useful tools out there. Up until now, that is.”, – said Natan Avidan, the CEO of ORCA Alliance.

ORCA CEO Natan Avidan
The usefulness of ORCA’s tool improves many-fold with each connected account. Crypto traders often face frustration trying to get a sense of their true exposure while maintaining active accounts on several, at times even dozen cryptocurrency exchanges. From now on, they will be able to effortlessly keep track of their crypto assets. ORCA PYGMY version will support top 20 cryptocurrency exchanges as the basic layer of functionality.
“Building something new is always exciting. The initial release is sensitive though, you always want everything to work perfectly. Experience says it rarely happens. That’s why we’re developing ORCA platform through a 5-phase roadmap –so we can iterate, improve and pivot in between to build something that’s useful.“– commented ORCA’s System Architect, former GetJar developer Sigitas Saulevicius.
Despite having uninterrupted portfolio tracking, PYGMY will list users’ assets by cryptocurrency, quantities held and give the overall value of all connected currencies.
PYGMY is being authenticated and verified by internal testing by the team, friends, and family as the closed pre-alpha since last week. After it’s confirmed that no major bugs are remaining in the software, PYGMY will be released to the general public.
All interested parties are welcome to register to be the first ones trying out ORCA PYGMY.
Permissions to start using ORCA PYGMY will be issued in bulks not to overcrowd the system and ensure smooth user experience.
Image(s): Shutterstock.com