Polygon, Uniglo.io, And Ethereum Developers Still Hold Concern Over DevCon 6 Safety In Colombia


What is DEVCON?

Ethereum DevCon (Developers Conference) is the yearly event for all blockchain developers, Ethereum based and otherwise, to get together and flower the seeds of ideas they have been having over the previous year. This edition of DevCon will likely be much bigger and better than ever, with three years since the previous meet-up passing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and a significant bull run on crypto. The last exhibition was held in Japan, with this year’s being held in the Colombian capital of Bogotá.

Initial Concern

The Ethereum Foundation themselves state on the DevCon 6 website to “not wear flashy items like expensive watches or gold-plated hardware wallets,” showing that they are well aware of the safety aspects of holding the conference in this relatively dangerous city.

With Central and South America adopting cryptocurrency at a staggering speed, one would hope that these developers receive warm welcomes instead of the potential robbery some fear.

Uniglo Attendance

Many will be saddened to hear that the Uniglo team, currently in presale for their vault-backed treasury token, will not be in attendance. With the project due to launch leveraging tokenized real-world assets, the cutting edge of the NFT world right now, they were set to make a storm at the conference. Darius from the Uniglo team stated that “the whole team felt that taking risks at such a critical point in the development of the project would be a silly decision to make, and so would be passing up this opportunity to network with other developers in the Ethereum community.”

As we have seen from the lockdown period, development is not slowed by a lack of in-person introductions, and this decision-making shows an affinity to safety that will likely bode the protocol well in the future.

Polygon Concerns

Co-Founder of Polygon (previously Matic Network) Sandeep Naliwal tweeted that he would be avoiding the DevCon completely, quickly deleting it after seeing another tweet stating that some of the Solana team had been robbed at the airport whilst wearing Solana merchandise.

devcon bogota


DevCon 6 may have chosen an awkward place for developers to attend, but this likely won’t affect any projects in the long term, with teams working and communicating remotely on the regular. However, it will be a shame that bright new stars on the scene, such as Uniglo, have been put off from attending by potential security issues.

Find Out More About Uniglo.io Here:

Join Presale: https://presale.uniglo.io/register

Website: https://uniglo.io

Telegram: https://t.me/GloFoundation 

Discord: https://discord.gg/a38KRnjQvW 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GloFoundation1

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