Top 6 Swiss Blockchain Startups with Potential


Various European countries are positioning themselves as welcoming to blockchain and cryptocurrency firms. Switzerland is one of the leaders in this regard. A few key projects have been identified as potential investment opportunities for Swiss speculators and wealthy individuals. The following names are listed in alphabetical order.

#6 Alethena

A relatively unknown blockchain project to the rest of the world, Alethena aims to becoming a data and information platform wielding blockchain technology. It is also the first Swiss ICO and blockchain-asset rating agency. That makes it rather unique in all of Switzerland, and the company may set the tone for the future of initial coin offerings and cryptocurrencies in Switzerland and potentially the rest of Europe. Its native token offers limited voting and profit-sharing rights.

#5 Dfinity

Most blockchain enthusiasts will have seen the name Dfinity pop up somewhere over the past year. It is a very vast project spanning multiple features and initiatives. Its main focus lies on cloud computing and building the cloud 3.0 through decentralized technologies. Based in Zug, the company is located in the heart of Switzerland’s cryptocurrency and blockchain “hub”. Through its utility token, payment for computation and storage will be made possible.

#4 MindFire

Artificial intelligence and blockchain will come together in a meaningful way, according to MindFire. The Swiss non-profit aims to manage research events, collect intellectual property, and storage research contributions pertaining those two technologies. Accessing the ecosystem will occur through its native security token, which is registered with the local government and issued according to the current guidelines.

#3 Proxeus

With its rather unique business model of becoming the “WordPress for Blockchain”, Proxeus is trying a very different approach. Its main objective is to aid in asset tokenization, as well as building new dApps. As more companies rush to digitize their existing processes, services like these can play an increasing role of importance. The native utility token will reward dApp developers as well as serve as a unit of account for this new ecosystem.

#2 SwissBorg

Unlike what the name may suggest, SwissBorg has nothing to do with cyborgs, although there is a robo-advisor service to take into account. Instead, the platform uses blockchain technology to become a regulated wealth management platform, as well as a company that focuses on initial coin offering. Combined with machine learning efforts, a lot of potential new use cases can be unlocked through its utility and security tokens.

#1 Tend

With a short and marketable name, Tend is trying its hand at blockchain technology. Their business model revolves around letting users buy and sell fractional ownership of luxury assets and offer experiences connected to these assets. This will be achieved through the native security token, which offers investors an annual dividend right. Which luxury assets the platform will encompass exactly, has yet to be officially determined.


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