Bay Area Coronavirus Update: At-Risk Youths Received Thousands of Free Meals


During the global coronavirus crisis, a lot of efforts seemingly go by unnoticed. Bay Area residents want to take notice of G-Eazy’s effort to provide free meals to children over the next month.

The coronavirus affects everyone on this planet in one way or another.

Feeding At-risk Youths in Coronavirus Times

Some regions are hit harder compared to others, putting more emphasis on the need to come together.

At-risk youths are now on the verge of running out of food, in certain parts of the US.

The Bay Area is one of those regions, although G-Eazy has come up with a solution.

Together with Larkin Street Youth Services, he has helped fund a food truck called Mi Morena.

The goal is now to provide free meals to at-risk youths in San Francisco for the next few weeks.

All expenses will be covered by G-Eazy’s Endless Summer Fund charity. 

So far, thousands of meals have already been handed out, with many more to follow.

It is evident that communities need to band together during these coronavirus times.

In the Bay Area, several initiatives are underway to ensure people have maple access to food if needed. 

All over the world, similar efforts will need to be launched until this global pandemic has finally been defeated.

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