Blockchain project Triwer – changing e-commerce, one package at a time


With the current parcel delivery system somewhat antiquated in many ways, Triwer was determined to provide a solution that matches the demands of the industry. And they did it. E-commerce is moving at a rate of knots and consumers expect their goods to move at the same pace, yet the current system is anything but.

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Demand high but so are customer expectations

The consumers expect personalized, seamless, fast, affordable and secure delivery for online purchases and Triwer have addressed inefficiencies and bottlenecks in the Courier Express Parcel Market (CEPM), allowing logistics companies and couriers to make better use of spare capacity. In fact the CEPM industry in Europe is poised to grow to € 72.9 bln by the year 2020. It’s a huge sea change for the way parcels are delivered and it will benefit businesses and shoppers. The focus of the industry is shifting from B2B segment to B2C and C2X segments. The change in the industry is being driven by e-commerce, which has led to cut throat competition and lower margins. There is increased demand volatility and the market is being influenced by downstream integration from customers and competition from existing specialists. The power in the industry today lies with customers and receivers of goods instead of the deliverers.

Triwer aims to be an innovative disruptor

Using the Triwer App, online shopping is a seamless process with empowerment of consumers and businesses the key. – and with Triwer’s built-in price comparison engine, everyone gets the best deal possible. Online shoppers will also be able to personalize their profile with delivery preferences and carry these settings across multiple online stores to arrange the arrival of their purchases at the time and location most convenient to them with real time last mile tracking features. No more tiresome forms to fill in; no more payment details to add and no more repeatedly writing your address – plus load more benefits

Technology behind Triwer

The Triwer decentralized Blockchain Technology, Smart Contracts and Token – TRW – are core to the Triwer delivery management platform, and will bring benefits to both consumers and deliverers; from transparent agreements to direct and instant payment upon fulfillment. In fact Triwer takes advantage of this multi technology solution and leverages it to the benefit of every stakeholder. Smart contracts for example can be used to enable tracking across the sidechain and the package in question traced between various waypoints and inter-carrier transfers even till the final mile. This provides comfort to the receivers using the system as they have the ability to change the delivery time in a given window of time. For other participants in the process, upon completion of the delivery, the completion is recorded on the main Triwer blockchain and payment can be processed instantly to all the parties of the contract.

Crowdfunding to change the face of e-commerce

In short, online shopping will never be the same and finally, the Triwer App is bringing e-commerce parcel delivery in line with the technology available. The project has taken the crowdfunding route to enable the public to participate in the change that they are ushering in. The TRW token is sold during the token sale that is set to conclude on June 30, 2018. A total of 375 mln TRW is up for grabs for investors at the rate of US$ 0.08 per token. During the tokensale a bonus of 15-25% is available for investors. Triwer have released a whitepaper that has the details of the project. Investors that are interested in participating in the token sale can do so by registering themselves at the Triwer website. One thing is for certain that with the approach that Triwer is taking, receiving packages would be changed forever and so would be the process of purchasing things on the internet. Exciting times indeed!



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