With the issue of data privacy rarely far from news headlines – regardless of the industry in question – and online advertising proving to be a bugbear for the average Internet user – it comes as no surprise that a number of companies are devising solutions to capitalize on this situation. Web publishers and app developers still need to monetize their online assets, however.
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Hoping to kill multiple birds with one stone, Gath3r are stepping things up a notch by adding passive, transparent, browser-based cryptocurrency mining to the equation.
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What is Gath3r?
Announced just days ago in the British Virgin Islands, Gath3r is a next-generation cryptocurrency miner that runs in the background on standard websites and apps. It has been designed to offer companies an alternative form of monetization by removing their dependence on privacy-compromising advertising, which is deeply unpopular with many users.
The developers of Gath3r claim it’s the perfect solution for publishers who are experiencing shorter user visits, higher dropout rates and therefore reduced income, due to users rejecting online ads and trackers. Gath3r should mean that website owners and app developers can either completely replace ads or supplement their existing income streams. In addition, users can support their chosen sites and apps by using spare computing power to mine for cryptocurrency.
Advantages of Gath3r
Conventional crypto mining is an expensive and energy-intensive process. Gath3r bypasses this by decentralizing the process and making use of the spare computing power available when a user visits a website or uses an app on their device of choice. According to the developers, once the Gath3r code is installed on a website or app, spare GPU and CPU processing power is used to passively mine cryptocurrency, essentially providing a commission for the website or app owner.
Gath3r guarantees transparency, as the system requires users to opt in to start the process, with notification of this happening by a cookie-like pop-up. The developers say that the user’s device will not be unduly burdened or suffer from noticeable slow down.
Gath3r’s creators claim their software platform has significant advantages over rival systems from Coinhive and JSECoin, and that it is designed to handle high volumes of websites and apps, in addition to large userbases.
The potential market for Gath3r’s mining technology is massive, as there are over 2,500,000,000 live websites in operation globally.
Gath3r Loyalty Program
Gath3r tokens (GTH) can be given back to users as rewards by participating website and app owners, thereby providing an effective incentive, with payment also possible in Bitcoin, or in local currency, where available.
Gath3r also has plans to develop a proof of stake (PoS) network, with the aim of helping to future-proof the company’s browser-based mining system.
Early Adopters Program
Gath3r’s Early Adopters Program is now live. The program is free for of charge for the first quarter.
A Bright Future Ahead?
Time will tell whether Gath3r’s progressive, multi-function cryptocurrency miner lives up to the developers’ claims and satisfies not just the demands of web publishers and application developers seeking income from their online offerings, but also security and convenience-focused users. If so, it could herald a change not just in the crypto sphere, but the wider online world as well, with the obvious rewards that would bring.
Additional Information
Gath3r website: https://www.gath3r.io
Gath3r on Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/G9LBMU5Q0-owTiN9LWHu8Q
Gath3r on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gath3r-io?trk=ppro_cprof&originalSubdomain=in
Gath3r on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Gath3r/
Gath3r on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Gath3r_io
Image(s): Shutterstock.com
1 Comment
I like this idea, so long as they don’t max out my CPU.