Nearly 1 in 5 Hospitalized Coronavirus Patients in the US is Younger than 44


As the novel coronavirus crisis grows worse in the United States, very interesting details have become apparent. What is rather worrisome is how nearly 20% of the hospitalized patients are under the age of 44.

In most countries, the coronavirus crisis primarily affects the elderly.

Coronavirus Victims Come in all Demographics

In the United States, that is also the case, up to a certain extent.

A new federal study has unveiled some very interesting statistics that do not necessarily bode well for the future.

According to this study, nearly 20% of hospitalized patients related to the coronavirus are aged between 20 and 44.

This is supposed to be the age group that should be less prone to the more serious side effects of COVID-19.

It is important to note that this study is based on just 2,500 samples looked at by the CDC.

For now, the main demographic of hospitalized patients is aged between 65 and 84.

There have been rumors regarding different strains of the coronavirus making the rounds these days.

It is possible that the US has been hit by the more aggressive version of the two.

Another possibility is how the virus keeps mutating as more time progresses.

For now, it seems unlikely that the novel coronavirus crisis will recede anytime soon.

The best course of action is to stay inside, eat healthy, and try to exercise on a somewhat regular basis. 

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