OraSaifu Announces New Hardware Wallet on IndieGogo


OraSaifu has announced the new hardware wallet they are working on.

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The wallet is expected to hit the market sometime mid-July and will be a revolutionary payment product like nothing else currently available.

Increasing Number of Wallets, Yet Sparse Hardware Solutions

With the current amount of blockchain wallets exceeding 26 million, more and more users are becoming aware of cryptocurrency and using it.

While there are a plethora of software solutions for securing cryptocurrency, the number of hardware options are still sparse. There is still much to be sought after in terms of a secure hardware device, that not only gives peace of mind to those with large crypto holdings but also does so conveniently.

Hardware Wallet Features

OraSaifu’s offering looks to further improve on the safety and usability advantages commonly pursued by target markets like Ledger and Trezor have, as well allow traditional debit and credit cards to become a mobile payment mode.

The wallet secures crypto funds through a Trusted Execution Environment, where the private keys always stay on the device. This allows the hardware wallet to be used on even compromised computers, as only signatures ever leave the device. SE technology is also combined on the same chip, for even secure interactions.

In the case you ever lose your wallet, even recovery has been made easier. While the wallet still accepts the mnemonic phrases, Orasaifu has a one-tap solution for recovery. When initializing or restoring a device, simply tap the chip to the device, and forgo remembering and entering long 24-word phrases.

There’s even a cold-wallet mode, where the wallet will also accept NFC and Offline QR codes, to be completely air-gapped from online connections. Another way that OraSaifu beats out Ledger and Trezor is in terms of storage capacity.

NFC capabilities also allow the wallet to support membership cards, business cards, door passes, reward cards, or any traditional card with NFC functions.

While the Trezor is Bitcoin only, both the Ledger and Orasaifu have multi crypto support. With the Ledger, you only have the capacity for a couple of wallets on the device at any given time, while OraSaifu’s is able to handle more wallets simultaneously.

OraSaifu’s wallet currently supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Zcash, Dash, and over 20 other cryptocurrencies.

The design of the wallet is also unlike either the Ledger or Trezor or any other hardware wallet solution. With a diameter of a bank card and a 4-inch bezeless display, the design of the OraSaifu is more akin to an iPhone thanks to its 83.37% screen to body ratio.

Indiegogo Details

The launch will start on Indiegogo on July 19th, with the company opening up registrations for early bird sales.

For more information regarding the company, visit their website. To back the wallet, check out their Indiegogo page. For social media updates, follow them on their Facebook account.

Image(s): Shutterstock.com

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