Weekly Blockchain Industry Report(11th Issue) 2018.6.23-6.29 OK Blockchain Capital


Written by: Zhe Su,  Transalated by Billy Lau

Market Overview

The past week’s daily average global market capitalization of cryptocurrency was $249.7 billion and the daily average transaction volume was $14.04 billion, indicating a decline of 11.83% and 14.73% respectively. The daily average market capitalization of the top five cryptocurrencies decreased by 10.63% from the previous week. Among the top five, BCH has experienced the greatest price decrease in the past week with a low of $651.21, a decrease of 16.18%.

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Data source:coinmarketcap

Of the top 10 cryptocurrencies that increased, 70% of the tokens were of the vertical industrial application sector. Also, MIRQ of the cryptocurrency and payment sector experienced the greatest increase in price.

Ranking Project Token Field Brief description Trading amount(24h) Token price Increase/7d
1 MIRQ MRQ Cryptocurrency and payment MIRQ is based on AI and enables companies to communicate with users. $52,643.00 $0.04 69.30%
2 Paragon PRG Supply chain Paragon revolutionizes the supply chain tracking and payment issues in the hemp industry. $102,731.00 $0.11 54.18%
3 SPINDLE SPD Asset management SPINDLE is a transparent and open asset management platform that allows users to invest directly with SPD. $378,306.00 $0.02 51.25%
4 Bitmark BTM Social network Bitmark is a reputation platform where users, services and products can gain reputation through the tagging process. $108,085.00 $0.25 48.02%
5 FuturXe FXE —— $429,376.00 $0.00 46.71%
6 Selfkey KEY Digital identity SelfKey allows users to truly control and manage their digital identity and securely manage their cryptocurrency. $55,764,100 $0.01 37.82%
7 SalPay SAL Asset management Salpay is an asset management platform with functions such as payment, transaction, budget, and credit. $204,057.00 $0.07 30.66%
8 eBitcoin EBTC Corporate services It provides companies with solutions such as payment and marketing. $197,508.00 $0.08 28.00%
9 Dascoin DASC Cryptocurrency and payment DasCoin is a currency used when oil futures are hedged. $170,276.00 $0.19 27.96%
10 NANJCOIN NANJ Consumerism Mainly for the purchase of tickets for sports events and related products. $177,790.00 $0.00 27.48%

Data source:coinmarketcap;retrieved at 11:00 on June 29th, 2018

Analysis of Top 200 Market Cap Projects

The market capitalization of top 200 projects decreased by 16.38% compared with that of last week. Based on the main categories of cryptocurrency and payment, public chain and protocol, vertical chain and protocol, and vertical industrial application, the vertical chain and protocol sector decreased the most, decreasing by 21.81%.



Data source: OK Blockchain Capital

Through further classification of the vertical chain and protocol, it was found that this week’s cloud service and A.I. verticals were on obvious increases at a rate of 19.24% and 7.19% while other verticals were on decreasing rates.

Data source: OK Blockchain Capital

Analysis of Newly Listed Projects

There were 10 new projects in the market last week (mainly of the gambling vertical under the vertical industrial application sector), 60% of which dropped in price within 24 hours of listing. Most of the newly issued tokens were listed on IDEX and Bibox.

New Projects Categories Ratio   



New Projects Listed Exchanges Ratio     

Data source:Coinmarketcap、feixiaohao、OK Blockchain Capital analysis

Table of newly listed projects

Project Token Field Exchange Platform Initial Listed Price($) Current Price($) 24h Trading Volume($) Launch Date
ALAX ALX Game CoinBene、Qryptos 0.02739 0.02936 133,720 6/26
Aurora AOA Public chain and protocol Kucoin 0.05817 0.03674 6,318,500 6/26
Metronome MET Payment Gate.io、IDEX、DDEX 2.39 2.01 183,502 6/26
EnergiToken ETK Energy Coinsuper、CoinBene 0.004808 0.005073 1,139,832,081 6/26
Ternio TERN Public chain and protocol BitForex、Stellarport 0.06504 0.06324 473,452 6/26
Bodhi[ETH] BOE Gambling Bibox、Gate.io 0.08186 0.08067 104,590 6/27
DigiFinexToken DFT Gambling DigiFinex 0.6264 0.6988 377,872 6/27
Origin Sport ORS Gambling OKEx 0.1419 0.1454 1,920,610 6/27
Rate3 RTE Payment BitForex、IDEX、DDEX、Bibox 0.0209 0.02070 554,075 6/27
Distributed Credit Chain DCC Asset management Kucoin、IDEX、Bibox 0.02965 0.02934 1,735,350 6/28

Data source:Coinmarketcap, Feixiaohao

Analysis of Closed Public Sales Projects

There have been 23 closed public sales projects this week, totaling nearly 143 million USD. Among these projects, projects of the finance vertical received most funding.



Main categories of public sales project this week

Table of closed public sales projects

Project Token Field Platform Soft Cap (USD)
Coinadvisor CADV Asset management Ethereum 300  ETH
Kasko2go K2G Insurance Ethereum 3M EUR
Afeli AEI E-commerce Ethereum 1000 ETH
eHarvestHub EHH Supply chain Ethereum 2M USD
SparesHub PRT Supply chain Ethereum 2M USD
Railz RLZ Public chain and protocol Ethereum 6200 ETH
KPR Coin KPR Medical insurance Ethereum 21M USD
Valorem Foundation VLR Asset management Ethereum 25M USD
PinkDate PDP Social network Ethereum 5M USD
Uncloak UNC Security Ethereum 6M USD
Typerium TYPE Content copyright Ethereum 4.5M USD
EkkBaz EKK E-commerce Ethereum 2000 ETH
Properbuz XPZ Asset management Ethereum 20M USD
Fluxorin TFT Content copyright Ethereum 7M USD
Alehub ALE Corporate services Ethereum 13117 ETH
BuddToken BUDD Payment Ethereum 10M USD
Goods Digital Passport GDP Notary certification Ethereum 1000 ETH
ERN TOKEN ERN Content copyright Ethereum 11M USD
Zodiaq ZOD Payment Ethereum 1.5M USD
ICOHeadStart MOAT Asset management Ethereum 11.7M USD

(Already raised)

Jointly JPT Asset management Ethereum 10,000 EUR
DDToken DDT Asset management Ethereum 10M USD

(Hard Cap)

Iagon IAG Cloud service Ethereum 5000 ETH

Main data sources: Icobench、 Foundico、 smith and crown、icodata、 icodrops、coinschedule、icoadvert

Secondary data sources:Project websites

Important News on Global Governmental Policies this Past Week



Based on public information

Keeping Up with the Blockchain Giants

Hot topic of the week: Exchange Platform Mining





The former Huobi CTO Zhang Jian started Fcoin, a new exchange platform, and started a new wave of Exchange Platform Mining. The daily transaction amount of Fcoin 10 billion U.S. dollars, which is the sum of the trading volume of nine large exchanges. Its token FT was listed on May 24th, rising from $0.15 to a peak of $1.24. At the highest point, the price increased by 70 times.

Transaction means mining. The exchange platform will return the transaction fee generated by the user on the platform in the form of an exchange platform currency, and the platform revenue will be distributed according to the proportion of the platform currency held by users. Specific return method: The exchange regularly converts the transaction fee incurred by the user on the exchange into platform currency. The price is calculated based on the average price of the platform currency during the period. 80% of Fcoin’s income will be allocated to FT holders on a regular basis in proportion to the holding of platform currency.The upsurge of transaction rebates led to changes in exchange policies, and caused the larger exchanges to take action. On June 19th, OKEx announced the partnership of 100 exchanges to support the platform currency issued by each exchange and reward the trading users through the “transaction-mining” model. Eighty percent of each exchange’s revenue will be distributed to the platform currency holders as incentives, and 20% will be used for the operation of the exchange.On June 21, Binance launched the “Open Plan for Digital Asset Exchange” and will open 1,000 spot in the first phase.

Time: June 29, 2018, Beijing time 16:00, Data source: Fcoin official website

Appendix: Upcoming Crowdfunding Projects(6.30-7.6)

Project Token Public offering launch date Public offering close date Field Token Quantity Public offering percentage* Hard cap
Boomstarter.Network BC 2018/6/30 2018/7/14 Asset management 36M 75% 20M USD
SgamePro SGM 2018/6/30 Game 350M 55%
StreamPay STPY 2018/6/30 2018/8/31 Supply chain 2M 70% 50M USD
Sparkster SPARK 2018/6/30 2018/7/3 Cloud service 57M 67%


LBR 2018/6/30 2018/7/31 Human resources 10B 60% 22M USD
Tedchain TED 2018/7/1 2018/7/31 Game 7B 70% 21.5M USD
Asset Allocation Token AAT 2018/7/1 2018/7/30 Asset management 27M 60% 27M USD
Arbitao ATAO 2018/7/1 2018/7/17 Asset management 220M 50% 48M USD
Good Game GG 2018/7/1 2018/8/26 Game 600M 20M EUR
Blockonomics BCK 2018/7/1 2018/7/31 Wallet 100M 10% 10M USD
Cornucopia.io HORN 2018/7/1 2018/8/1 Asset management 250M 80% 15M USD
EXTRADECOIN ETE 2018/7/1 2018/9/1 Exchange platform token 125M 50% 10M USD
DANS DANS 2018/7/1 2018/8/30 Advertising 500M 51% 40000 ETH


Appendix: Upcoming Crowdfunding Projects(6.30-7.6)

Project Token Public offering launch date Public offering close date Field Token Quantity Public offering percentage* Hard cap
LEXZOOM LXM 2018/7/1 2018/7/31 Asset management 1.3B 65% 50M USD
PearlPay PRLPAY 2018/7/1 2018/7/19 Wallet 500M 35% 175M PRLPAY
Aenco AEN 2018/7/1 2018/8/8 Medical insurance 4B 15% 60M USD
Engyo ENGYO 2018/7/1 2018/8/1 Charity 100M 75% 1500 ETH
moolyacoin MOOLYA 2018/7/1 2018/7/30 Corporate services 1B 48% 25M USD
Luxxeum LXX 2018/7/1 Asset management 9M 67% 4M USD
QuickX Protocol QCX 2018/7/1 2018/7/31 Public chain and protocol 500M 50% 29123 ETH
Umewin UME 2018/7/1 2018/8/30 Advertising 108M 54%
Midas MAS 2018/7/1 2018/7/22 Exchange platform toke 500M 50% 18000 ETH
Kryptoboy KBC 2018/7/1 2018/7/15 Lending 4B 50% 375M USD
iRegMed IRM 2018/7/1 2018/8/15 Medical insurance 200M 60% 15M USD
LEXZOOM LXM 2018/7/1 2018/7/31 Asset management 1.3B 65% 50M USD
WINiota WIT 2018/7/1 2018/9/1 Gambling 1B 60% 24000 ETH

Appendix: Upcoming Crowdfunding Projects(6.30-7.6)

Project Token Public offering launch date Public offering close date Field Token Quantity Public offering percentage* Hard cap
ARAW ARAW 2018/7/1 2018/7/31 E-commerce 500M 70% 25M USD
Fluzcoin FFC 2018/7/1 2018/9/15 Payment 3.223B 66% 212M USD
PingPaid PPD 2018/7/1 2018/8/30 Payment 60M 80% 33M USD
Usechain UST 2018/7/1 2018/7/7 Public chain and protocol 20B 45% 30.6M USD
CoinLaunch COIN 2018/7/1 2018/9/1 Asset management 1B 29%
DeNet DNET 2018/7/1 2018/7/15 Data services 1B 70% 24.5M USD
OPP Open WiFi OPP 2018/7/1 2018/7/31 Human resources 4B 3.55% 40M USD
Officium OFC 2018/7/2 2018/8/25 Payment 500M 70% 25000 ETH
Qravity QCO 2018/7/2 2018/7/16 Content copyright 1B 50%
Triffic GPS 2018/7/2 2018/7/22 Tourism 700M


NUDGE 2018/7/4 2018/8/3 Advertising 3.78B 47% 22,200 ETH
GAMB GMB 2018/7/4 2018/7/31 E-commerce 1.75B 35% 30M USD
Lunch   Money LMY 2018/7/5 2018/8/5 Consumerism 250M 16% 40M USD


Image(s): Shutterstock.com

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The writer of this post is a guest. Opinions in the article are solely of the writer and do not reflect Null TX's view.