Introduces 1 Million ARK Incentive Program for Technology Development

0 has launched a new replacement for its current ‘Tier 0’ program, part of a GitHub campaign released last year as a way of rewarding participants who complete specific tasks.  

The new incentive, ARK Grants, is an initiative to help push boundaries and expand ARK’s ecosystem through advanced technology development. With 1 million ARK tokens vested into the program from its Shield development fund, developers from around the world are encouraged to apply by sending in technical proposals regarding ARK. 

Applicable Project Types 

Developers can explore any of the four applicable project types listed:

  • Proof-of-Concept: this category bridges both the learning and communication gap between developers looking to find a middle ground for knowledge sharing with other inventive individuals. The recently built ARK Messenger, which is a fully autonomous chat, is a fine example of a Grant-funded POC project. 
  • ARK Desktop Wallet Plugins: user interface with a collection of services and applications. An example is the Grant-funded Plugin Manager which was recently upgraded to be more user friendly. 
  • Production Ready Solutions. Blockchain solutions backed by ARK technology are eligible for submission and will be considered for the Grant. An example of such a production-ready solution is the ARKTippr Tip Bot.
  • Custom Project Ideas. Also, developers are welcome to think outside the box and present captivating ideas beyond the recommended categories of applicable project types.

Technologies & Frameworks

Following the acceptance of a proposal, the Developer is required to step in line with ARK’s preferences when developing the projects. Technology considerations which are not within the ARK team scope of preference must first pass through the team’s approval. 

List of preferences includes 

  • Ionic or Angular for mobile Development 
  • Typescript as language 
  • ARK Smart Generic Transaction Interface and Core plugins when creating application logic
  • New Smart Transactions and custom bridgechain for development. Using the vendorfield, AKA SmartBridge field, must be avoided.
  • Other preferred applications includes NodeJS, VueJS, TailwindCSS, Laravel, and Electron

Guideline for submission 

Applicants are required to submit personal information along with project description which will include the framework and general architecture of their project. Also, milestones should be provided as an insight into the various stages of development, highlighting the developer’s effort through different phases. Two fixed milestones must be attached at the end as reference points for documentation and final review. 

All submitted applications that meet all criteria and guidelines will be considered for the Grant after thorough assessment and evaluation by the ARK team. Following the selection of a project, the approved grant will be paid out in two segments, of which 70% is divided between the project milestones, and the remaining balance is issued upon completion of the final review milestone.

Keep Earning 

The 1 million ARK Grant program is an initiative of France-based, which is registered as ARK ECOSYSTEM, SCIC.

However opportunities to earn ARK are not restricted to the grants, with more inclusive ways to earn ARK tokens. One is contests and competitions (with one coming up soon) designed for both technical experts and novices to participate. Also, ARK’s thriving community can tap into the ARK Community Fund. The community-backed fund is a first of its kind and covers sponsorship programs and other forward-thinking initiatives. The ARKCommunity.Fund is community-led and independent of

In addition, ARK will unveil a Bounty and Security Reward Program to incentivize members who track and report network bugs on its GitHub platform. Another way to earn is through Forging Delegate Node, a modified Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) consensus model. Interested individuals can forge ARK to help secure the network and contribute towards development. New delegates can earn forging positions by campaigning for community votes

Learn more about the Grant at For Delegation, visit the website’s delegate page and meet other delegators on #delegate channel.

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Tech Geek and avid developer.

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