By now, everyone in the cryptocurrency industry is aware of the upcoming Bitcoin Cash hard fork. The currency – which is itself a hard fork of Bitcoin – has been on the spotlight in the recent past as two factions have emerged with different ideas on its future. While much of the disagreement has been civil, it has emerged that the leader of one faction, Craig Wright, has escalated the issue. In a video released yesterday, November 8, Roger Ver revealed an email sent to him by Wright which sounded a lot like a threat. Ver then went on to give his thoughts on the upcoming hard fork, including why he thinks Bitcoin Cash ABC, which he supports, has the upper hand.
‘Those That Disagree Can Fork Off’
“It’s never easy to admit that you’ve been fooled. Maybe I’ve been fooled. Maybe.”
This was the opening statement by the divisive Roger Ver. Ver, a figure who is loved and loathed in equal measure in the crypto industry, then went on to reveal an email allegedly sent to him by the even-more-controversial Craig Wright. Wright has described himself as the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto, an assertion that has been challenged by many, including Vitalik Buterin who called him a fraud.
In the email, Wright didn’t mince his words, severally stating that Bitcoin ABC will die and that those who back it are enemies of Bitcoin. “If you want ABC, you want shitcoins, welcome to bankruptcy,” read part of the email. However, what caught the eye the most was the ending which sounded much like a threat. It read:
Side with ABC, you hate bitcoin, you are my enemy. You have no f***ng idea what that means.
You will.
I AM Satoshi. Have a nice life. You will now discover me when pissed off.
Ver went on to criticize the ‘immaturity’ the email exposed stating that “it wasn’t the sort of thing that a forty-something-year-old mature businessman would say.” In contrast, he stated that other Bitcoin SV supporters such as the renowned billionaire Calvin Ayre had been ‘mature’ about the difference in opinion.
Not surprisingly, Ver expressed confidence that Bitcoin Cash ABC will have the upper hand.
I think the hash rate and the ecosystem dictates that ABC is going to have significant majority. At the time of recording this video, only one exchange has launched a futures market for ABC and SV coins. At the moment it’s 10 to 1 in favor of ABC, but I think the volume is pretty light still… [….] At the very center of the spirit of Bitcoin Cash is that if the minority disagrees with the majority, they have the right to fork away and have their own coin and do what they want.
With the hard fork being just days away, major exchanges have announced that they will support both ABC and SV depending on the viability of the SV chain. They include Coinbase, Binance, OKEx and Huobi, with other exchanges expected to follow suit.
Ver has had plenty of time to discover that Wright is a dumbass fraud. It’s not like we haven’t all been making that very clear for him. Also, I think it’s funny that Wright addresses him abrasively like a Roger Ver on Steroids and he doesn’t like it and refers to him as immature. Well Roger, the way you see Wright (rightfully so) is the way we see you. Abrasive, immature, fraudulent (with your thieving of the Bitcoin brand). You can say “so what” and focus on the fact that there are those who love you. Wright has those who love him too. Both of you are still dicks.
BCH is a scam