

Live Coin Watch Releases iOS App

Live Coin Watch is a popular cryptocurrency index and portfolio tracker launched in 2017. For years, users from all over the globe have enjoyed our highly customizable website to help them navigate the wild west of crypto. Today we are pleased to announce the perfect companion to this platform – […]


Best Thriller Movies Thus Far

Even though the coronavirus pandemic is still wreaking havoc around the world, we have had our fair share of great movies. In this post, we’re going to be talking about the best thriller movies that you can watch in 2021. If you haven’t checked these movies out yet, make sure […]


Nugenesis Patented Interactive NFTS to Revolutionize Tourism

The NuGenesis Interactive NFTs can transform the tourism industry, which is already primed by for adoption.  Technology has given rise to a connected generation of smart tourists.  NuGenesis interactive NFTs are ideal to empower trust-building and promote more disintermediation‚ secure travel-related transactions‚ creative loyalty programs‚ traceable tourism products and activities‚ […]


NuGenesis Comprehensive 2-part Review of proposed amendment of the Federal Reserve Act (Part 2)

SWEEEPING REFORMS AND EFFECT ON STABLE COINS (The Digital Assets Market Structure and Investor Protection Bill.) The sweeping legal reforms and the down-under solution The “Digital Asset Market Structure and Investor Protection Bill” seeks to prohibit stable coins.    Proposed US Code section 5104(a) provides that “no person may issue, use […]


Nugenesis Ecosystems – Upholding the Principles of Monotheism Financial Practices, Paving the Way for Future Application of Islamic and Non-usury Banking

Islamic scholars have long had major issues with whether cryptocurrency is permissible, and is it equal or more appropriate to Islamic finance than Fiat? All Monotheism religions have strict rules around finance, and it historically defines currency as commodities with intrinsic value — gold, silver, metals, tradable products, etc. Some […]