Search Results for "Metaverse"

Novatar NFTs time square
Crypto, News

NFT Novatars on Times Square Billboard

These days NY Times Square is witnessing another NFT invasion: this time from the trendiest NFT avatar drop, The Novatar. 💥 Novatars on @TimesSquareNYC 💥 🚀 First-ever technologically advanced avatars that will grow up on the blockchain are now the trend!!! 😎 🧨 Keep up with NFT revolution with @TwitterBlue […]

top dex aggregator algorithms

Top 3 DEX Aggregator Algorithms

Decentralized exchanges are becoming more popular due to inherent benefits over centralized platforms. Due to the number of DEXs on the market, a new type of service has been born called Decentralized Exchange Aggregators. DEX Aggregators are blockchain-based services that provide traders with real-time data regarding the best price to […]

microsoft activision blizzard
Crypto, News

Microsoft Acquires Activision Blizzard for Almost $70 Billion

The big news of this week is Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard. Microsoft announced today plans to acquire the gaming company Activision Blizzard for $68.7 billion. The recent acquisition will make Microsoft the world’s third-largest gaming company by revenue, following Tencent and Sony. The recent acquisition topples Microsoft’s Bethesda acquisition […]