
Crypto, News

Blockchain Patents Will Shape Innovation – and That’s a Little Bit Scary

There were 1,240 blockchain patents filed last year. That’s not normal. The number of blockchain patent applications, in fact, has grown over 600 percent since 2016. This year, retailing giant Wal-Mart secured blockchain patents for crypto household energy payments, wearable medical records, and a security system. They also filed patents […]

Bitcoin, News

Bitcoin Price Watch: Bitcoin Remains Stagnant, Stubbornly Refuses to Move

At press time, everybody’s favorite cryptocurrency remains unchanged from yesterday’s price. It was trading for $6,400 and remains at this figure. Earlier this morning, the currency did brush shoulder with $6,300, though quickly recovered within an hour. It also briefly surpassed the $6,500 mark, then quickly retracted. Analysts claim that […]