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Education, FAQ

What Is EthCrash?

A lot of initiatives exist on top of the Ethereum blockchain. Not all of these projects are necessarily worth taking into account, although some of them tend to generate quite a buzz. EthCrash, for example, is one of those projects which has a lot of people excited. Even so, it may […]


Evolvement of Cryptocurrency

If you’ve kept up with financial trends at all in the past few years you’ve undoubtedly seen the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies’ domination of headlines. While the technology behind the coins themselves has been around for nearly a decade, only recently have cryptocurrencies begun their foray into the mainstream. Highlighted […]

Education, FAQ

What Is the Upfiring DApp?

Numerous projects are exploring the use of blockchain technology in regards to uploading and sharing data. Finding the right balance is rather difficult, and the competition will continue to heat up. Upfiring is one of the options worth looking into, as this dApp is slowly beginning to hit its stride. Upfiring […]


Top 4 Cryptocurrency PoS Solutions in 2018

Getting consumers and retailers to deal with cryptocurrency payments has been a very big challenge. This is primarily because there are not many cryptocurrency-oriented point-of-sale payment solutions out there. The following companies – listed alphabetically – are trying to change that, but there is still a long way to go. […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Cryptoa?

Cryptocurrency exchanges are set to undergo some major changes in the years to come. Cryptoa positions itself as a hybrid exchange platform which will pave the way for broader cryptocurrency adoption. It will neither be a centralized exchange nor a decentralized exchange, but rather a combination of both. The Cryptoa Concept […]