Search Results for "Bear"

Market Analysis

Bitcoin / Ethereum Analysis – Trading Data Reveals Stable to Positiive Future Short-Term Outlook

Analysis of trades on blockchain-based derivatives trading platform CloseCross reveals that general distribution of the predictions and the money committed to predictions for the price of Ethereum and Bitcoin show that almost all traders are eyeing ETH to either remain stable or increase in value. There was hardly any interest […]


An Interview with DeepBrain Chain’s Founding Member, Yong He, On the Project’s Commercialization, Revenue, Mainnet Public Test Phase II and Supernodes Election

DeepBrain Chain (DBC) is a project established at the end of 2017, seeking to build the world’s largest distributed high-performance computing network through blockchain technology. After four years of hard work, DBC is now the first to be commercialized in the field of decentralized computing. In the past six months, […]