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what is ethereum
Education, FAQ

What is Ethereum?

In the world of cryptocurrency, it is always pertinent to look well beyond what Bitcoin has to offer. Ethereum, although going through a very bothersome year in terms of valuation, has become one of the household names. There are plenty of things to like about Ethereum, although it also has […]

tezos stock price
Education, FAQ

What is Tezos?

There is plenty of innovation in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry. As such, keeping tabs on all of the innovative and potentially groundbreaking developments is of the utmost importance. Tezos, while a somewhat plagued project over the past few months, has been somewhat successful throughout its existence. Now is a […]

poloniex exchange
Crypto, News

Poloniex Lists 3 More Assets, Bringing the Total to 14 New Assets Added This Year

Poloniex – a top cryptocurrency exchanged – recently added support for three more assets to its platform. Specifically, the exchange listed Livepeer (LPT), Numerai (NMR), and Polymath (POLY). These news come after Circle’s acquisition of Poloniex back in February for a whopping $400 million. Surprisingly, according to the announcement no listing […]