Search Results for "Cryptocurrency"

Education, FAQ

What Is BitMEX’s Quanto?

Derivatives have begun gaining a lot of traction in the world of cryptocurrency. They are interesting trading instruments, all things considered, although not every cryptocurrency is suited for them. This is why BitMEX is exploring the quanto option, which is a very different type of derivative. The Quanto Concept In […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Cardstack?

Various projects aim to decentralize the internet as we know it today. Whether or not any of them will succeed in doing so is very difficult to predict. There are a lot of reasons why this will not work, although the idea proposed by Cardstack seems rather intriguing. The Cardstack […]

Crypto, News

Blockchain Patents Will Shape Innovation – and That’s a Little Bit Scary

There were 1,240 blockchain patents filed last year. That’s not normal. The number of blockchain patent applications, in fact, has grown over 600 percent since 2016. This year, retailing giant Wal-Mart secured blockchain patents for crypto household energy payments, wearable medical records, and a security system. They also filed patents […]