Search Results for "Cryptocurrency"

Crypto, News

4 Reasons Why Investors Avoid Decentralized Exchanges

Blockchain and cryptocurrency were originally envisioned as decentralized, community-oriented initiatives. Participants were intended to hold power over centralized (read: government) authority. As blockchain and cryptocurrency evolved and captured millions of investors along the way, trading gravitated toward centralized platforms. Centralized institutions like Coinbase or Binance are great because of their […]

Crypto, News

ChainXchange Day 3: Steve Wozniak, Molly Bloom Discuss the “Brave New World” of Blockchain

Wednesday, August 15 marked the final day of the ChainXchange blockchain convention and conclusion of the main event of the first ever Las Vegas blockchain week. Fortunately, the convention did not end without a remarkable finale, as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and the inspiration behind “Molly’s Game” Molly Bloom gave […]


McAfee’s ‘Unhackable’ Crypto Wallet Hacked

When John McAfee described the Bitfi crypto wallet as unhackable, it quickly drew many people’s attention. For users in constant fear of having their crypto assets stolen by cybercriminals, it was reassurance. For computer experts, however, McAfee’s proclamation was taken as a challenge. Less than two months later, a number […]

Crypto, News

ChainXchange Day 2: Thomas Lee, Paul Krugman Discuss Bitcoin Longevity

The second day of Las Vegas Blockchain Week and the ChainXchange blockchain convention has concluded. Today’s activities included discussions and lectures carried out by prominent cryptocurrency supporters and skeptics, including representatives from Ripple and NEM, as  well as Nobel Prize winning economist and perpetual crypto bear Paul Krugman. In the […]


Smart Investors Are Digging In

Even though the Bitcoin ETF was shot down last week, we are still moving closer to getting a real ETF in the coming months. While we’re waiting for that to happen, many are now starting to feel like there is no recovery in sight for cryptocurrency markets. Which is also […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Proof-of-Assignment?

It has become rather apparent that there are many different blockchain consensus algorithms which can make a lasting impact in the coming years. Proof-of-Assignment is one of those concepts which seems rather unusual on paper, but it actually has a lot of merit when it comes to scaling and mainstream […]