Search Results for "Cryptocurrency"

Education, FAQ

What Is Proof-of-Weight?

In the world of blockchain consensus algorithms, there are many different options to choose from. Proof-of-weight is one of the rather unusual solutions, although it is an interesting take on customization and scalability. Getting users excited about this model through incentivization remains its biggest challenge. The Proof-of-Weight Concept Defining Proof-of-Weight as […]

Bitcoin, News

Bitcoin Price Watch: Bitcoin Remains Stagnant, Stubbornly Refuses to Move

At press time, everybody’s favorite cryptocurrency remains unchanged from yesterday’s price. It was trading for $6,400 and remains at this figure. Earlier this morning, the currency did brush shoulder with $6,300, though quickly recovered within an hour. It also briefly surpassed the $6,500 mark, then quickly retracted. Analysts claim that […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Bettergram?

Peer-to-peer communication can be performed in various ways. A lot of people prefer end-to-end encrypted apps such as Telegram. Bettergram claims it is a very different version of Telegram while maintaining the latter’s core components. It also has some interesting cryptocurrency-related functions to keep an eye on. The Bettergram Project […]

Education, FAQ

What Are Decentralized Exchanges?

In the world of cryptocurrency, centralized exchanges are the current backbone of the industry. That situation will come to change at some point, as there is a growing focus on decentralized trading solutions. There are still some misconceptions over what this new breed of exchanges brings to the table. The […]