It has always been a matter of tie, but robots have effectively begun delivering groceries in select areas. Frisco, Texas will be a very interesting region to keep an eye on in this regard. According to local media, the rollout of delivery robots is bound to occur fairly soon. Robots […]
New Optical Chip Pulverizes Internet Speed Records Globally
Many people use the internet on a daily basis, yet the overall connection can remain rather slow. Newly discovered technology may see that change for the better, assuming ISPs will allow for that to happen. Making the internet faster is a very different process from what most people envision. A […]
Central Bank of Libanon Officials Gets Arrested for Currency Manipulation
Lebanon is one of the many countries where financial hardship has become the new normal. One official working for the Banque du Liban has now been arrested over currency manipulation concerns. Central banks are often considered to be a plague among society. Lebanon has a Dire Financial Situation They control […]
New Chrome Update Will Limit Device Resources for Advertisements
Many people use Chrome as their default browser to access the internet. Unfortunately, Google’s offering often drains resources quickly, particularly on mobile devices. It now seems that things will begin to improve moving forward. Chrome Cracks Down on Nefarious Ads Developers of the Chrome browser will soon introduce a new […]
US Senate Mulls Granting the FBI Access to Web-Browsing History Without a Warrant
In the US, there is always a proposal on the table to erode consumer privacy in one way or another. A new amendment to the 2001 Patriot Act can have very dire consequences indeed. It is expected that the 2001 Patriot Act will be renewed by the US Senate later […]
This Smart Toilet Comes with a Dedicated Anus Camera
Many devices used by society on a regular basis have become smarter in recent years. It now appears that toilets will receive a similar overhaul, all in an effort to improve public health. The concept of a toilet has not changed all that much over the past few decades. A […]
India Threatens With Jail Time for Citizens not Using its Coronavirus Contact Tracing app
The coronavirus crisis has certainly sparked a lot of controversial debate. When it comes to getting people to install a contact tracing app, forcing them to do so is always an option in India. Protecting consumers from the coronavirus remains a top priority at all times. A Controversial Coronavirus Solution […]
Coronavirus Crisis Forces Uber to lay off Thousands of Full-time Workers
The coronavirus crisis is causing a lot of people for many different companies around the world. Uber, the ride-sharing company, will effectively lay off nearly 4,000 employees as a result of the ongoing crisis. It is interesting to see how different companies handle the coronavirus crisis. Major Uber Layoffs Were […]
Second-hand Tesla Parts are a Data Integrity Risk
When buying or selling second-hand Tesla parts over the internet wiping them clean of any data is crucial. One eBay user found some unexpected data when installing the older Tesla parts into his vehicle. Despite being a relatively new company, the second-hand market for Tesla items appears to be booming. […]
Apple’s and Google’s Coronavirus app Will not Allow GPS Location Tracking
During the coronavirus crisis, there have been many debates regarding the use of contact tracing apps. Apple and Google are now taking measures to protect user information for any of these apps being built on their technology. Apple and Google have been actively developing infrastructure to support contact tracing apps. […]
The Last Manufacturer of VHS Players Will end Production This Month
Over the past few decades, video content has evolved from VHS to DVD, to BluRay, and now online streaming It now appears that the golden days of video recorders will not come back anytime soon. To this date, there is only one company still manufacturing video recorders. The VHS Era […]
YouTube Keeps Banning Channels Covering Conspiracy Theories
YouTube has taken a rather aggressive stance on what type of video content is allowed on its platform. Anyone leaning in the direction of sharing conspiracy theories can expect a ban hammer these days. The YouTube of old is no longer available today, which is a shame. No More Conspiracy […]
Elon Musk Successfully Causes a Small Tesla Price Crash
Social media can be a very powerful, yet equally dangerous tool to use for company executives. Elon Musk will know that all too well, yet he still managed to trigger a minor Tesla stock crash through Twitter. Any comment made on social media can certainly trigger an uproar. Elon Musk […]
An Artificial Intelligence Can’t be an Inventor, USPTO Claims
The potential of artificial intelligence is rather significant. However, the technology will never be credited with inventing devices, products, or services, according to the USPTO. Research and development regarding artificial intelligence is still accelerating all over the world. Artificial Intelligence has no Patent Filing Procedure In fact, there has been […]
Bank Offices are Getting Smashed in Lebanon Following Currency Crash
The current financial situation will become virtually impossible to maintain in the very near future. In Lebanon, the situation is already getting out of hand following the domestic fiat currency crashing. Various countries are struggling to ensure their fiat currency has real world value. Lebanon Faces two Crises at the […]
Universal Pictures Uspets AMC Entertainment With Movie Rentals on Theater Release Dates
Even during times of corona, some bickering will be going on as if nothing else is happening. AMC Entertainment will no longer screen Universal movies in its theaters from now on. The ongoing spat between AMC Entertainment and Universal Pictures is getting a bit out of hand. Universal Pictures Makes […]
UK’s NSH Wants a Centralized Coronavirus app Despite Privacy Concerns
As part of the global coronavirus crisis, many contact-tracing applications are under development. The NHS in the UK keeps an eye on the proceedings, but will not go with the plan outlined by Apple and Google. A contact-tracing application can be of great value during the global coronavirus crisis. NHS […]
New Brain Implant Helps man Regain Touch and Mobility in Paralyzed Hands
Technology has allowed society to evolve into something very different over the past few decades. One great example is the impact brain implants can have, especially in terms of paralysis and immobility. There are many ways in which technology can make life easier for the average person. Brain Implant Technology […]