Search Results for "fraud"

varanida ico

Varanida ICO Round 2 Kicks Off

At the core of the virtual ecosystem lies the holy trinity of users, publishers, and advertisers. Each armed with an increasingly powerful set of tools to aid their experience, each group is continually sabotaging the performance of the others in pursuit of their own self interest. Web surfers, bombarded by […]

NullTX Exchanges Trading Volume

Top 6 Cryptocurrency Exchanges With the Highest Weekly Trading Volume – 2018 Week 40 Edition

A lot of people consider Binance to be the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange. In reality, that is not exactly true, primarily because BitForex generates more volume. CoinMarketCap excludes this exchange, but these are the “official” exchanges ranked by ascending trading volume in the past seven days. The results may look […]

top iota wallets

Top IOTA Wallets for 2018

IOTA is one of the most solid platform with over $1 billion in market cap. For IOTA investors and users, finding a secure wallet is by far the most important thing. If you happen to stumble upon a fraudulent site or wallet, you may lose your IOTA in the blink […]