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Education, FAQ

What Are Decentralized Exchanges?

In the world of cryptocurrency, centralized exchanges are the current backbone of the industry. That situation will come to change at some point, as there is a growing focus on decentralized trading solutions. There are still some misconceptions over what this new breed of exchanges brings to the table. The […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Blockchain Lattice?

Blockchain consensus algorithms allow blockchains to operate without requiring a high degree of trust in specific parties or service providers. In the case of Nano, its blockchain lattice approach still raises a lot of questions, even though the concept has a lot of benefits compared to traditional solutions such as […]

Education, FAQ

What Is SWIPE?

There are many potential use cases for blockchain technology. Most of those opportunities can be found within the financial industry, although one should look well beyond that sector as well. SWIPE is designed to solve the trust deficit in data monetization. Building a decentralized mobile engagement data platform to improve […]