Search Results for "Cryptocurrency"

Education, FAQ

What Is Coda Cryptocurrency?

There is no shortage of cryptocurrencies on the market. Thousands of projects exist, although most of them will eventually disappear into obscurity. Coda claims it can keep its cryptocurrency decentralized by maintaining a constant-sized blockchain. It’s an intriguing concept which may introduce a lot of exciting opportunities. The Coda Concept […]


Privacy-Focused Deviant Coin Announces Whitepaper, Cryptocurrency Exchange and Hardware Wallet Releases

With the blockchain world being the target of a number of recent, well-publicised hacks, and online privacy a regular news item, it should come as no surprise that emerging cryptocurrency companies are desperate to prove their data security credentials.  Therefore, many are bolstering their defences with the aim of providing […]

Education, FAQ

What Is GoChain Cryptocurrency?

“A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new,” said Jawaharlal Nehru. To borrow another famous line, the digital revolution has been “one giant leap for mankind”. The interconnectivity of the whole planet presents a unique opportunity married with a daunting scalability […]