Search Results for "Cryptocurrency"


Weekly Blockchain Industry Report (15th Issue)

OK Blockchain Capital, Quqi Deng Market Overview The past week’s daily average global market capitalization of cryptocurrency was $290.49 billion and the daily average transaction volume was $15.17 billion, indicating an incline of 8.26% and an incline of 8.26% respectively. The daily average market capitalization of the top five cryptocurrencies increased […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Liberalcoins?

Buying and selling cryptocurrencies can be done in many different ways. A lot of consumers rely on centralized exchanges and trading platforms. Liberalcoins takes a different approach, as it focuses on peer-to-peer trading. It is also the first P2P trading platform supporting Zcash, which is rather interesting. The Liberalcoins Concept […]

Education, FAQ

What Is War of Crypto?

The blockchain industry is attracting a lot of attention from developers. Especially when it comes to games and digital collectibles, the industry is growing fairly quickly. War of Crypto is another blockchain game which will put a positive spin on digital collectibles. Whether or not it can compete with existing […]

Education, FAQ

What Is BTCP Pay?

The launch of Bitcoin Private has not generated the big buzz some speculators had hoped for. In fact, most people had almost forgotten about it until recently. That is all coming to change thanks to the BTCP Pay platform, which will bring Bitcoin Private to online retailers across the globe. BTCP […]