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Privacy-Focused Deviant Coin Announces Whitepaper, Cryptocurrency Exchange and Hardware Wallet Releases

With the blockchain world being the target of a number of recent, well-publicised hacks, and online privacy a regular news item, it should come as no surprise that emerging cryptocurrency companies are desperate to prove their data security credentials.  Therefore, many are bolstering their defences with the aim of providing […]

Crypto, News

4 Reasons Why Investors Avoid Decentralized Exchanges

Blockchain and cryptocurrency were originally envisioned as decentralized, community-oriented initiatives. Participants were intended to hold power over centralized (read: government) authority. As blockchain and cryptocurrency evolved and captured millions of investors along the way, trading gravitated toward centralized platforms. Centralized institutions like Coinbase or Binance are great because of their […]

Crypto, News

ChainXchange Day 3: Steve Wozniak, Molly Bloom Discuss the “Brave New World” of Blockchain

Wednesday, August 15 marked the final day of the ChainXchange blockchain convention and conclusion of the main event of the first ever Las Vegas blockchain week. Fortunately, the convention did not end without a remarkable finale, as Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak and the inspiration behind “Molly’s Game” Molly Bloom gave […]