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What Is Blockchain 3.0?

Most of us have heard of Web 3.0, whether we’ve come across a decent explanation of it or not. The first wave of the internet (Web 1.0) was basically a one-way flow of information. We could log on, read stuff, maybe send an email. But there was no real interaction, […]


Rivetz Acquires DISC Holdings

Technology is growing and achieving new capabilities each and every day. Despite this, cybersecurity lags behind, and this growing disconnect between the two is cementing a divide between state-of-the-art devices and the security that protects them. Because of this, cybersecurity losses number in the trillions of USD. That’s why Rivetz, […]

Education, FAQ

What Is the ORCA Alliance?

A lot of innovative concepts exist in the world of cryptocurrency. Not all of them will succeed in the long run, yet interesting developments tend to take place quite regularly. The ORCA Alliance, for example, seems to offer conversion from cryptocurrency to fiat currency with no fees or delays. The […]