Tag: bitcoin

Education, FAQ

What Are Bitcoin Trading Bots?

Getting involved in cryptocurrency has become a bit more convenient over the past few years. Buying one’s first Bitcoin – or a piece of one – is primarily a mental barrier. When it comes to actively trading Bitcoin, however, the need for guidance has never been greater. This is where […]


7 Lingering Bitcoin Misconceptions in 2018

Bitcoin is a form of money which sparks a lot of debate. There is also a fair bit of misinformation being distributed on the topic. Those misconceptions can give people a completely misleading impression of Bitcoin. Below are some particularly egregious falsehoods. 7. Bitcoin’s Transaction Volume Is Falling Depending on which […]


Top 6 Bitcoin Trading Bots for 2018

When it comes to cryptocurrency trading, a lot of users prefer an automated approach. Although there are a few trading platforms which offer built-in algorithmic trading, trading bots are also very popular. It is interesting to see how the landscape has evolved in this regard. The following bots are ranked […]