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Education, FAQ

What Is FOMO3D?

Even though the cryptocurrency world allows for a lot of innovation, its underpinning technology is often used for the oddest ventures. In the case of FOMO3D, it is a very interesting game, although it’s also clearly a “legitimate” pyramid scheme which will cause at least one individual to lose a […]

Crypto, News

South Korea’s Financial Innovation Bureau Will Legitimize Blockchain and Cryptocurrency

South Korean government officials are taking a very interesting stance on cryptocurrencies. Although they want to bring more legitimacy to this industry, it will need to happen through regulatory efforts first and foremost. The country’s Financial Services Commission has announced a dedicated department for blockchain policymaking which will be introduced in […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Ninja Cash?

Cryptocurrency users have shown an increasing interest in peer-to-peer Bitcoin exchanges. A lot of platforms exist in this market, but there is always room for additional competition. Ninja Cash aims to make its mark in this area, although it remains to be seen how successful its mobile-only approach will be. […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Star Cards?

A lot of companies are exploring blockchain technology in the context of trading card games. Not all of these projects will be successful, although Star Cards is doing things a bit differently. Rather than creating something new out of thin air, the company is issuing unique celebrity collectibles. The Idea […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Travala Cryptocurrency?

A lot of innovative projects can be found within the cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem. Travala is one such project, as it is a very different take on booking accommodations for travel. Its marketplace connects customers and vendors directly. The Idea Behind Travala Launching a travel booking marketplace is not an […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Dimensions Network?

There are a lot of different projects which aim to disrupt the traditional concept of cryptocurrency exchanges. Expanding upon this business model by adding other financial vehicles can make it more appealing. Dimensions Network is going down such a path, as it aims to become the next-gen exchange of the […]