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Education, FAQ

What Is Guarda?

There has been a growing demand among cryptocurrency enthusiasts for wallet solutions which support multiple currencies. Guarda may become a big player in this regard, as it offers quite a bit of functionality. It supports plenty of currencies and tokens, and goes well beyond traditional wallet services. The Guarda Wallet […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Cahrenheit?

The automotive sector has shown an increasing interest in blockchain technology. As vehicles become smarter and more autonomous, new technologies need to be used to accommodate these major changes. Cahrenheit is a new blockchain infrastructure for the automotive industry powered by VeChainThor. Cahrenheit in a Nutshell The VeChainThor team has […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Huobi Cloud?

Cryptocurrency firms are always looking for ways to expand their existing offerings. Huobi, a popular exchange and trading platform, is doing so by branching out into new industries. The launch of Huobi Cloud is an effort to advance blockchain development and adoption. The Idea Behind Huobi Cloud For Huobi, it […]