Search Results for "Cryptocurrency"

Education, FAQ

What Is Cryptoa?

Cryptocurrency exchanges are set to undergo some major changes in the years to come. Cryptoa positions itself as a hybrid exchange platform which will pave the way for broader cryptocurrency adoption. It will neither be a centralized exchange nor a decentralized exchange, but rather a combination of both. The Cryptoa Concept […]

Crypto, News

Including U.S. Citizens in Your ICO or TGE

The current lack of clarity governing Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and cryptocurrency more broadly in the United States’ legal system has led some to consider whether including U.S. citizens in an ICO or Token Generation Event (TGE) opens a company to unnecessary liability. With ample investment opportunities outside of the […]


Top 6 Decentralized Exchanges in 2018

Decentralized exchanges are slowly becoming more popular in the world of cryptocurrency. Generating sufficient liquidity remains one of the key challenges, even though some trading solutions seem to be faring a lot better than others. The following DEXs are ranked by their total number of transactions over the past seven […]


Top 6 Most Valuable Masternodes in 2018

There are many interesting ways to make money with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Exploring all of these options can lead to major profits, but also steep losses. One of the safer options out there is to invest in masternodes. The following currencies support masternodes, and are ranked by the value […]

Education, FAQ

What Is HoloChain?

There are a lot of interesting projects in the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain. HoloChain is one of those ventures which aims to build an infrastructure beyond the blockchain. Thinking outside the blocks, so to speak, will involve some interesting technologies and implementations. The HoloChain Concept Looking beyond the world […]