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Education, FAQ

What Is Zombie Battleground?

Many projects have tried to bridge the gap between blockchain technology and trading card games. Some firms have been a bit more successful at this than others. A new Kickstarter project named Zombie Battleground aims to be a winner. Zombie Battleground Explained The team claims Zombie Battleground will become a […]

Education, FAQ

What Is the CoolWallet S?

Hardware wallets are an integral part of the cryptocurrency industry. They are an excellent way of keeping one’s cryptocurrency portfolio safe from harm. The CoolWallet S claims to be the ultimate Bitcoin wallet, even though it’s not just useful for BTC. A wide range of other currencies and tokens are […]

Crypto, News

What Is CoinMarketAlert?

Tracking cryptocurrency prices can be done in many ways. Most enthusiasts rely on various mobile or desktop applications to do so. CoinMarketAlert will make this process a lot easier, as it is designed to offer alerts to users when particular price trends occur. Keeping Tabs on Major Price Changes In […]


JiojioMe Unleashes Social Network Revolution for Digital Ad Industry through Blockchain Technology

Mobile advertising marketplace, JiojioMe, is fueling a new, vibrant ecosystem for the digital ad industry through the platform’s pioneering currency, JCASH. JCASH is an innovative value exchange solution that enables users of JiojioMe’s social network app to seamlessly make in-app purchases, engage services, purchase goods from merchants, and access discounts […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Swixer?

There is a growing need on the part of cryptocurrency enthusiasts to convert between various currencies on the fly. Coin mixers have proven to be rather popular in this regard over the years. Swixer aims to achieve a similar goal, although the team is mainly interested in showing the world […]