Search Results for "Cryptocurrency "

Education, FAQ

What Is Seele Cryptocurrency?

There are high expectations associated with the concept of blockchain technology. This new technology will influence many business models in the years to come. Seele positions itself as a “fourth-gen blockchain” and aims to build an internet of value. Doing so will not be easy, as a fair few competing […]

Education, FAQ

What Is Zippie Cryptocurrency?

  Humanity’s march has been characterized by innovation. The groundbreaking wheel was developed to create chariots for wars and pottery for homes. In the modern world, innovation in creating the smartphone and blockchain has driven our digital age. The logical evolution would be to merge these two technologies. This is […]


Facebook Lifts Its Cryptocurrency Ad Ban – Sort Of

Facebook has made changes to its policies concerning cryptocurrency. Rob Leathern, Product Management Director for the popular social media site, recently noted, “In January we announced a new policy to prohibit ads that promote financial products and services that are frequently associated with misleading or deceptive promotional practices such as […]

Crypto, News

Facebook Unbans Cryptocurrency Advertisements but Still Disallows ICOs

Multiple technology companies have taken a harsh stance on cryptocurrency advertisements. Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Twitter have all removed cryptocurrency advertisements from their platforms. Surprisingly, Facebook has already reversed its decision in a very peculiar way. Facebook Changes its Mind The proposed ban on cryptocurrency advertisements on the Facebook platform […]